Structuring Google Adwords PPC Campaigns: Best Practices

In the world of Google Adwords and PPC Marketing it is vital to be able to construct well thought out and organised campaigns. Maintaining organised campaigns is essential when it comes to assessing the overall performance of your account. In my post this week I will describe two widely used proven best practices when it [...]

5 SMS Text Message Marketing Mistakes


Mobile Marketing is by far the newest addition to interactive advertising. From the term “Mobile” itself, it obviously refers to the utilization mobile devices as a way to reach to people in marketing communications. This marketing strategy benefits many businesses by allowing them to capitalize on the different ways billions of people are using cell phones today.

However, many businesses are not using mobile marketing to its full capabilities to really increase profits and ROI.
If you are looking to build a massive list of customers who will buy from you over and over again, here are a few SMS Text Message Marketing mistakes you should avoid:

Google DoubleClick Ad Planner

Google AdClick Planner

When it comes to online advertising, it is crucial that advertisers target the right audience, reach and communicate through the right mediums and channels and understand their target market behaviour and trends. In media planning there are 3 key challenges; Reach = Finding enough sites that work for your campaign Relevance = Confident that sites [...]

Where To Include Call To Actions In Online Marketing Campaigns:

As a marketer or a business owner it is essential to use effective call to actions in order to promote your products and services and to entice online users to take action with regards to your offers. In the context of online marketing a call to action is one of the most important tools needed [...]

Adding +1 to your Website or Blog


The +1 feature is an incredibly useful feature of Google+. It works similarly to the “Like” feature of Facebook, allowing other users to share links. Obviously, the more people who +1 a particular link, the more exposure it will receive. Thus, it’s important to make it as easy as possible for people to +1 your content.

First, you will want to +1 your own content. Some of the people who see your post may also add a +1 to it, thus automatically getting the link some additional exposure to their contacts.

Sandbox Effect: What is the Sandbox?

The Google Sandbox Dublin

Google representatives have publicly denied its existence but some of their lower-level employees have implied it does exist. Search engine optimization experts swear Google uses this tactic but cannot prove it. What is “it”? The Sandbox.

The Sandbox is a term search engine optimization marketers use to describe the time their websites spend waiting to advance to the ‘grown-up’ table at Google. In other words, Google makes new websites wait in the sandbox until they have matured or added significant age to the website before they will give them a ranking.

Google Remarketing -Google Adwords Display Network

Google Remarketing

If you’re an advertiser, communicating your message and generating awareness is important but targeting the right audience is key. If a customer comes to your website, browses the different categories and pages but doesn’t make a purchase. Instead of sitting back and hoping for a return visit and leaving things to chance bring that customer [...]

Handy Google Webmaster Tools Features for SEO (Part 1)

Google Webmaster Tools, HTML Suggestions tab

Google Webmaster Tools is a really powerful website analysis tool from which you can pull a lot of useful information from to help you with link building and also with wider SEO strategy elements. It’s one of the best free platforms around that you can use to help you understand how your website is performing. [...]

Google Adwords: 4 Tips For Writing Great PPC Text Ads.

ppc ad copy, call to action, ppc marketing

In most Google Adwords campaigns the quality of the copy in your ads will have a huge impact on the overall success of your Adwords campaign. You can have everything else set up perfectly; the structure of your campaigns, ad groups, the correct targeting options, and the relevance of your keywords but if your ads [...]

Learn The Benefits of Facebook Marketing

free facebook advertising video

Facebook marketing has become very famous these days due to its numerous benefits. There are thousands of business entrepreneurs who have started to see the major benefits of using Facebook as a marketing platform. Apart from use Facebook as a place to connect with and interact with family and friends, you can also use facebook as a serious lead generation tool for your business.

Facebook is fast becoming one of the greatest resources for generating awareness of your brand in both a domestic and international market. Because of the way Facebook works you can use it to very effectively to segment who it is you want to get in front of with your brand or offer, that closely matches what those users are looking for. From there you can then begin building strong relationships with your prospects and customers also.

Save Money With Google Adwords Bidding Strategy

Google Adwords Bidding - Max Profitable CPA

When it comes to Pay Per Click Advertising and Google Adwords, many companies fail because they have not set out a solid bidding strategy or estimated a structured budget and bidding mechanism. Identifying scenarios such as when to bid, by how much and how to know when to either raise or lower the bid are [...]

Successful Online Networking with LinkedIn

linkedin agency dublin

Social media networking, online networking, forum networking — You’re supposed to do a little networking on a daily basis, but are you placing your concentration in the wrong place? If you spend most of your day on Facebook instead of using LinkedIn, yes you are. is an online professional networking site that should not be ignored. Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites are fine to participate in, but no other is as professional as